Stop the Garbage, Stop the Trucks!

© 2000 The Greenpoint Video Project •

In 2000, North Brooklyn neighbors from Greenpoint and Williamsburg (Organizations United for Trash Reduction and Garbage Equity) rally to tell local politicians they have had enough with through-traffic waste transfer routes that cause fumes, noise and dangerous street conditions. This short film entitled “Stop the garbage, stop the trucks!” by  the Greenpoint Video Project captures a community overburdened by the unequal distribution of NYC’s garbage. In 2006, OUTRAGE and a number of community organizations from over-burdened communities throughout the City pressured the City of New York, under Mayor Bloomberg, to pass the Solid Waste Management Plan. This plan called for fair share, a reduction in waste transfer stations and truck traffic in overburdoned communities, and a reduction in waste processing overall by 2013. We have yet to see this plan implemented, but we continue to pressure the city to fulfill the promise they made to our community in 2006.